Our online shopping experience, especially when we needed to buy the best products and also value for money, it has been often very confusing. Different websites provide a quick thrown together list of products. Some provide product comparisons which either have inaccurate info or relevant info.

Based on feedback from other people within our circle and short quick surveys, we also realized that most of the online shoppers face similar issues. And quite often pick the top products from different lists, then toss a coin or pick the low priced or by some other preference to buy the product.

So we have started BagsnLuggage to bring best value for money product reviews. You will find enough accurate details in the Reviews along with technical specifications of the product. We have tried to keep both apart, so that people less savvy or those who want quick product review can easily read through. Technical specifications help in understanding the product better and for comparison between products.

We are providing the info to you without any sponsorship or sales commission from the product companies. However, we do get a small commission from the affiliate without any additional cost to you. You would continue to get any discounts as you would normally get. This small revenue stream would help us to pay towards maintaining the website and providing the info free to all customers.

Our team at BagsnLuggage is also working on our own best value products to you. Meanwhile, we would appreciate it if you can use our services.

Do let us know if you have any questions or suggestions on how we can improve our services. Drop us an email at Contact Us or leave a message in the chatbot

From Team BagsnLuggage

If there is anything to share with us please feel free to share with us